Engineering Design & Drafting

ALL Mechanical / Production Engineers Chemical / Petrochemical Engineers Civil Engineers Electrical Engineers Instrumentation / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers ITI / Mechanical / Civil / Electrical Draftsman HSC / 12th (Arts / Commerce / Science) / B.Sc., Piping Engineers Piping Draftsman Engineers / Draftsman / Any Graduates.
- To familiarize student primary technique in engineering drafting practices.
- To discover how products are designed and communicated in the real world.
- To help students become better designers of machine parts, plant layouts and related services.
- To use graphic drafting techniques as a tool for communication, visualization, critical thinking & problem solving.
- To prepare students to meet or surpass the performance competency areas and to the address performance Indicators of State Technology Education Standards.
- To study and apply the principles of drawing/view projection techniques, sectioning, dimensioning, and release/revision documentation practices when developing detailed plant layout drawings
- To understand how to create cost effective design in trouble shooting as well as while improving existing piping system
Key Points syllabus
- Training on core engineering departments like: Piping, Process, Electrical, Instrumentation, Structural and HVAC
- English Speaking
- Personality Development and communication skill
- Computer aided design – AutoCAD
- Deliverables of Piping Department and their use.
- Understand selection of proper fittings, Requirement of fabrication
- Requirement of Code and Standards in Piping
- Preparation of Plot Plan, Preparation of Equipment Layouts
- Preparation of Piping Layouts, Preparation of Pipe Support Layouts Understand
- Preparation of Nozzle Orientation Preparation of Construction Isometrics Understand
- Preparation of As Built Drawings, Preparation of MTO Understand
- Understand writing specification while ordering
- Understand fabrication and installation guidelines
- Understanding concept of Electrical Systems Design.
- Understanding preparation of Single Line Diagram
- Understanding Preparation of Bill of Material
- Understanding concept of Instruments
- Understanding preparation of Hook up Diagram
- Understanding preparation of Bill of Material
- Overview of International Codes and Standards
- Understand Selection of Steel Members, requirement of fabrication
- Requirement of Code and Standards, Preparation / Reading of Plot Plan
- Preparation of Pipe Supporting and Equipment Supporting Structures
- Preparation of Foundation Drawings, Preparation of Pipe Support Drawings
- Preparation of Road, Trenches, Dyke Wall drawings, Preparation of As Built Drawings
- Preparation of MTO, Understand writing specification while ordering
- Understand fabrication and installation guidelines
- Understand the basic design of structures and structural, elements
- Deliverables of HVAC Department and their use.
- Understand requirement of fabrication
- Understand requirement of Code and Standards
- Understand requirement of Code and Standards
- Preparation of Duct Layouts, Preparation of Equipment Layouts
- Preparation of Chilled Water / Cooling Water Piping Layouts
- Preparation of Pipe Support Layouts, Preparation of Construction Isometrics
- Preparation of As Built Drawings, Preparation of MTO
- Writing specification while ordering, understand fabrication and installation guidelines
Candidate receive the course certificate after completing the Engineering Design & Drafting with Arka Solutions.
course schedule
Batch No
Part Time
15 days
(80 hrs)
Full Time
Saturday & Sunday
(1 month)
9.00 AM -
7.00 PM
Training Type
Beginner to Pro

Useful Links
Class Room Training
Keep in Touch
- : No.986, Angalamman Koil 3rd street, Kolathur Main Road, Mambakkam Chennai-600127
- : +91-044-27479336
- : +91 96771 45998
- : admin@digitalsolutionstech.com
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Saleem K .Kutty
Senior Engineer - CRISTAL, KSA
Mr. V.B. Hari Krishnan
U H S Engineering - Chennai,India.
Mr. K. Shankar
J S R Sanko India Pvt Ltd - Chennai,India.
Mani Maran

Siva Subramaniyan

Jagadish Babu

Aakash Rajasekaran


Abinaya Manoharran

Tamil Selvan
4.3 / 5. 3